Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 Things you don't need to know about me...

  1. I was born and raised on 4 1/2 acres in Roseville, California.  I had the opportunity to take care of one cat, many dogs, 3 horses and many goats.
  2. I am working towards a degree in Computer Programming at TMCC.  I have always enjoyed technology and electronics.  I started at TMCC in Spring 2010.  I hope to finish by the end of Spring 2012.
  3. I am extremely shy and I have trouble speaking in front of a class.  My personality profile code is an INTJ.  I am also a perfectionist which either helps or hinder me in life.
  4. As a kid, I used to take apart broken and sometimes still operable electronics and attempt to fix them.  When asked what I wanted for Christmas as a young child, I would request a soldering iron, money to purchase transistors and caps, flux and soldering braid or the newest electronic toy.
  5. I am a veteran.  I honorably served in the United States Air Force from 2000 to 2005.  I was a Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory Technician.  Main duties included testing, maintenance, diagnostics, calibration and repair of any and all electronics or tools that required measurement accuracy to the standards of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology.)
  6. The best little guy in my life is my wonderful dog Krull: The Warrior King.  He has gotten me through some pretty rough times in the last few years.  No matter my mood or feelings, he is always there to cheer me up.  With even the worst moods, he can manage to always put a smile on my face.
  7. I know nothing about Linux and it is not required for my degree.  I chose to take this class (and also take the next advanced Linux class in Fall 2011) because I feel it is an important skill to have in today's job market.  I look forward to learning everything I can about Linux and hopefully have some fun and enjoyment also in doing so.  I also know nothing of blogs so please bear with me with my design and input of the blog. ;)